Davene has been in the dog industry for 23 years, embarking on the adventure of training her own dogs, a journey that has seen her through three Border Collies before Oz Wagtails and two Border Collies since being meeting Tabitha. In addition to her role as a dedicated dog owner, Davene brings to the table an extensive background as a veterinary nurse, accumulating approximately 30 years of invaluable experience.
Davene takes great pride in her achievements in dog sports, having successfully trained and trialled her 10 year-old companion, Bodie, in various disciplines including agility, jumpers, obedience up to a CDX level, and Rally up to RM. Notably, her teenage daughter played a pivotal role in his success, earning Bodie the title of Trick Dog Novice.
Furthermore, Davene's weekends are often filled with the joy as she relish's in the opportunity to conduct puppy classes on Saturdays. This not only allows her to import her knowledge and skills to budding dog enthusiasts but also fosters a sense of community within the world of canine companionship. In essence, Davene is not just a dog lover but a dedicated practitioner in the art of dog training and care, eager to share her expertise and enthusiasm with others.
Davene has been in the dog industry for 23 years, embarking on the adventure of training her own dogs, a journey that has seen her through three Border Collies before Oz Wagtails and two Border Collies since being meeting Tabitha. In addition to her role as a dedicated dog owner, Davene brings to the table an extensive background as a veterinary nurse, accumulating approximately 30 years of invaluable experience.
Furthermore, Davene's weekends are often filled with the joy as she relish's in the opportunity to conduct puppy classes on Saturdays. This not only allows her to import her knowledge and skills to budding dog enthusiasts but also fosters a sense of community within the world of canine companionship. In essence, Davene is not just a dog lover but a dedicated practitioner in the art of dog training and care, eager to share her expertise and enthusiasm with others.